How to use our Agents Shortcode
Our rating shortcode can be used to display the REA rating for a specific agent directly on any page or post.
If you are using the block editor, there is a shortcode block you can use to insert the shortcode. Alternatively, if you are using the classic editor, you simply paste the shortcode wherever you want your feed to display.
Shortcode Attributes
There are a number of shortcode attributes available which you can use to customise the output.
– defines which agent data is displayed in the feed. Use REA agent id. Specify one only.classes
– adds an HTML wrapper class so you can modify the specific output with custom CSS.
Here are some examples of how our shortcode can be used to display an agent’s rating.
[rea_rating agent_id="A001"]
The shortcode above will display the REA rating for Agent ID “A001” wherever you have placed it.